Our Communications and Engagement Strategy sets out how we will develop an effective two-way communication process with all of our audiences which include our own staff, colleagues in partner organisations, other fire services, government, media and the general public.
These messages should always put our values at the forefront, be consistent and honest, maintain our corporate branding and design and be targeted, timely and accessible to all. We communicate across multiple platforms, though social media, external website, intranet, emails, events, through surveys, in print and across media outlets via television, radio and newspapers.
This is in an effort to reach audiences with our warning and informing messages, safety campaigns, recruitment opportunities and commercial customers. We use this strategy to inform our internal communications with our own staff to ensure they are well informed, engaged with the Service and have a good understanding of our culture and standards of behaviour.
All of our communications will promote a positive relationship with our community across diverse groups to ensure everyone understands who we are and what we do. We are here for everyone so it is important to us that everyone gets and understands our key messages.