We produce three medium term plans that form the basis of our organisational ambitions.
They are our:
- Community Risk Management Plan
- People Plan
- Medium Term Financial Plan
Community Risk Management Plan:
Click on the plan below to read.
To produce our Community Risk Management Plan (CRMP) we assessed foreseeable risk in Merseyside, considered the demand for our services and the vulnerability of our communities. From this we have developed actions for the next three years that will improve community safety in Merseyside. Our actions focus on prevention of fires and other emergencies, ensuring that property owners abide by the laws related to fire safety, preparing for emergencies and delivering an effective emergency response. We previously produced Integrated Risk Management Plans and the CRMP includes similar information to those earlier plans.
People Plan:
Click on the plan below to read.
We recognise that our People are pivotal in all that we set out to do and we know it is only by investing in them and creating a sense of purpose and belonging that we can deliver our vision whilst allowing our staff to reach their full potential.
The People Plan is our vehicle to deliver this ambition and it is built upon five key but interlinked themes. These are; to attract and retain the best people, develop exceptional people and leaders, promote a holistic approach to health and wellbeing, deliver sector leading organisational performance and embed equality, diversity and inclusion as part of strong positive culture.
Medium Term Financial Plan:
Click on the plan below to read.
The Authority formally reviews its budgetary position annually and produces a rolling multi-year plan, known as the Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP). This plan considers the financial climate at both the local and national level together with available resources and budgetary pressures in arriving at a financial strategy for the Authority. The MTFP provides a focus on both revenue expenditure (day-to-day running costs of providing the service) and capital expenditure (long-term investment in infrastructure, for example buildings, operational vehicles and equipment), as well as setting out the Authority’s overall financial strategy.