Read our Previous Plans

Integrated Risk Management Plan

Integrated Risk Management Plan (IRMP) 2021-24 

We wrote this IRMP during what must be the most challenging 12 months that many of us have lived through, with the impact of the pandemic still being felt, but the promise of hope on the horizon.

You will read that our plans once again include an increase in our front line response, to our knowledge this is not mirrored anywhere else in the country. The specialisms and capabilities of our staff and the equipment we provide will be enhanced to meet all the known and emergent risks on Merseyside.

We intend to build a new state of the art Training and Development Academy which will allow us to expand and increase our training, with the potential to become a centre of excellence for national training. As part of that project, we also want to create a new super-station to replace two fire stations that are reaching the end of their useful life, whilst securing an improvement in our response times.

We plan to increase our ability to inspect high risk buildings and assist building owners and occupiers to comply with fire safety law by recruiting more fire safety inspectors and we will broaden our fire prevention activity to include providing free home fire safety checks for vulnerable people living in more deprived areas as well as continuing with our focus on older Merseyside residents.

We will do this and more against the back drop of the continuing pandemic and its legacy, the impact of the UK leaving the EU, the second national fire and rescue service inspection and ongoing government funding challenges. We believe that we can make all our proposed changes within our planned *budgets by continuing the work we started in our IRMP Supplement 2019/21 and doing things differently, including using a range of ways of staffing fire stations and fire engines flexibly to meet demand and risk.

View the 2021-24 Integrated Risk Management Plan (IRMP) here. We hope that you enjoy reading this plan.

We consulted on this IRMP between 1st March and 24th May 2021. Full details of the consultation outcomes are available by emailing

IRMP Supplement 2019 - 2021

This supplement to our 2017-20 Integrated Risk Management Plan (IRMP) took account of risk, demand and vulnerability changes that occurred since our IRMP was first published in April 2017.

Since then a number of significant national and international incidents have occurred. These incidents combined with changes to the city region infrastructure and the initial findings of Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services (HMICFRS) have quite rightly given the Authority cause to review the suitability of its plans to ensure that they are still fit for purpose.

The supplement also included new proposals which have emerged since the plan was first approved.

The supplement to the original plan ensured that the Authority complied with the requirements placed on it to assess all foreseeable fire and rescue related risks that could affect its communities, whether they are local, cross-border, multi-authority and/ or national in nature, from fires to terrorist attacks.

We consulted on this supplement between 14th March and 6th June 2019. Previous public consultation indicated that people valued our emergency response; so we have carried out analysis and research to create new proposals that we believe will improve upon what we originally planned.

But people also wanted us to maintain a focus on our communities and make sure that we work in a way that is safe for our staff and for the public of Merseyside. Full details of the consultation outcomes are available by emailing

View the 2019-21 Supplement to the Integrated Risk Management Plan (IRMP).

IRMP 2017 - 2020