Collaboration & Interoperability


The three blue light services have a duty to collaborate locally. To ensure we maximise the opportunities presented by collaboration, this team supports the joint assessment and implementation of any changes identified.

Our work is focussed in three areas:

  • Operational response
  • Shared estate
  • Support services

We have three standing members one from each; Merseyside Police, North West Ambulance Service and Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service, supported by a secretariat.

The Governance of this team’s work is provided by The Blue Light Collaboration Board which is again a Tri-service joint endeavour constituted at deputy executive level.


The remit of this team is to work closely with colleagues in Merseyside Police, North West Ambulance Service and Merseyside Resilience Forum to ensure we are able to respond effectively at incidents in accordance with Joint Emergency Services Interoperability Principles (JESIP).

This includes the facilitation of joint training for commanders and control room supervisors. In addition we routinely monitor our joint response to actual incidents via the debrief process, taking remedial action and celebrating effective practice as required.​