General Compliments and Complaints

Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service believes that by listening to, and acting upon your complaints or compliments, it can improve the service we offer to the communities of Merseyside.

If you have received good service and wish it to be known, please contact us at any of our locations, in person, by telephone, in writing/email or by using the contact form. We will endeavour to ensure that the appropriate colleagues responsible for this good service are made aware of any compliments.

If you believe you have cause for complaint regarding one of our employees or in relation to a service we have provided, this can also be made at any of our locations, in person, by telephone, in writing/email or by using the contact form.

Here is a step-by-step guide to how a complaint will be dealt with.

Please note this guidance relates to compliments and complaints regarding employees of Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service. For complaints regarding elected members of the Fire Authority a different process is followed which can be accessed here.

Stage 1

Your complaint can be made in person, by telephone, using the contact form or in writing/email to any Fire Service premises.

In person complaints, assuming the recipient is unable to resolve your query, will be forwarded to our Professional Standards Department within Service Headquarters.

Providing you wish to leave your contact details an emailed acknowledgement will be sent to you within five working days of receipt by Professional Standards. This acknowledgement will confirm the next steps that will be taken with regards to your complaint.

The initial stage 1 investigation will be completed by an appropriate service manager who may wish to contact you as part of their investigations. You should be provided with an outcome within 28 working days. Where this is not possible perhaps where a complaint is a bit more complicated then you will be contacted and advised of any delay.

Stage 2

If you disagree with the findings of your complaint you should inform us within 28 days of receiving your stage 1 outcome.

Your stage 2 complaint appeal will then be passed on to a different manager for review and/or further investigation as necessary. You may be contacted as part of this review if the stage 2 manager feels this is necessary.

You will usually be advised of the findings of their review/further investigations within 28 days. Where this is not possible then you will be contacted and advised of any delay.

This is the final Stage of review within Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service.

Stage 3

If you remain dissatisfied with the findings of your complaints at the 2nd stage you are entitled to send your complaint on to the Local Government Ombudsman.

The Local Government Ombudsman is an independent person who investigates complaints about most local authority matters and public sector organisations.

The contact for the North of England is:

The Local Government Ombudsman
PO Box 4771
Coventry CV4 0EH
Tel: 0300 061 0614

A pamphlet giving more information about the procedure of complaining to the Ombudsman can be obtained from your local council, library or Citizens Advice Bureau. (see below)

Alternatively log on to:

This complaints leaflet is also available in:
• large type
• audio tape
• other languages.
Telephone: 0151 296 4000
extension 4306.

The Local Government Ombudsman also has a leaflet called Complaint about the Council? How to complain to the Local Government Ombudsman. You can get a copy by telephoning or writing to the address above, or you can download it from the Ombudsman's website.

If you have an enquiry about the Local Government Ombudsman's service you can telephone their Adviceline on 0845 602 1983