New Consultations

Consultation Submission

Building Control Bodies who wish to make a formal consultation under the Building Regulations 2010 should complete the forms below and include the following. 

  • Each consultation package should be accompanied with a letter clearly detailing the legislation under which we are being consulted.
  • Where multiple consultations are being sent in, these should be clearly separated from each other.
  • The consultation package must identify which document has been used in the proposed design/alterations of the building e.g. Approved Document B, British Standard BS9999.
  • The consultation should be accompanied by the Fire & Rescue Service Consultation Pro-Forma, available by clicking here and populated with the relevant information.
  • This should provide commentary from the building control body confirming their assessment of the proposed scheme and confirmation of what fire safety conditions the building control body is proposing to apply.
  • A legible set of scaled current plans relating to the proposed building works that clearly show the fire safety arrangements being implemented. In addition, elevations and site plans showing fire service access will be required for consideration of B5 access proposals
  • Whether on plans or in writing, confirmation of the passive and active fire precautions being provided to demonstrate compliance with the functional requirements of the building regulations
  • For complex submissions or where fire engineered solutions are being applied, the Fire Authority may request the submission be peer reviewed by a competent fire safety engineer for further assessment. Additional information and commentary from the relevant building control body should be included in the submission confirming their assessment of any fire engineered solutions being applied.
  • A copy of any fire strategy document and/ or technical notes being used to justify the proposed scheme
  • Where computer modelling (for example, CFD analysis, evacuation modelling, structural fire engineering) is being relied upon as part of the proposed design scheme, then the supporting modelling report should be provided.
  • Modelling data should be provided along with evidence that the building control body (or their third party reviewer) have assessed and agreed the analysis
  • Where complex active fire safety systems, e.g. mechanical smoke ventilation, are being proposed, design and equipment specification details should be provided, demonstrating how they are fit for purpose in the context of the specific project in question
  • Consultations should not be sent where the building control body are not satisfied with the proposals

**The submit a new building regulations consultation content in this section is in progress and coming soon**

In the meantime please submit by sending all relevant information to   


Response Format

Our comments will clearly distinguish between matters that:

  • Are only advisory and not enforceable under legislation
  • must be complied with under the Fire Safety Order when the building is occupied
  • must be complied with to meet other fire safety legislation other than the Building Regulations
  • may offer observations in relation to the Building Regulations

As per the ‘building regulations and fire safety procedural guidance’ we aim to complete a written response within 15 working days. Where this is not possible (due to the complexity of the consultation), we will notify the relevant building control body of any delays anticipated to the consultation.


Contact Us

For general enquiries then please contact us on the below details: 

MFRS Headquarters,
Bridle Road,
L30 4YD
Tel: 0151 296 4000
