Staff Training

The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 makes it a legal requirement that every member of staff receives workplace fire safety training. 

The Fire Safety Order requires that your employees are provided with adequate fire safety training when they are first employed (e.g. as part of induction training). This training must be provided during working hours. 

The training will need to be repeated periodically. There is no specific frequency laid down in legislation, but recognised practice is that this should be no less frequent than annually or where equipment changes 

In some premises, more frequent ‘refresher’ training will be necessary. This might apply in the case of high-risk premises, such as care homes, and will apply to permanent nightshift workers in premises in which people sleep, such as hotels. 

The appropriate frequency for refresher training should be considered as part of your fire risk assessment.  

 Fire safety training must be given if employees are exposed to new or increased risks because of a change of role or responsibility. Training must also be given if work equipment changes, new technology is introduced or there is a new system of work. 

All fire safety training must be suitable and sufficient to enable employees to understand the fire safety measures in the premises and the actions they must take to safeguard themselves and other relevant persons. The training must be adapted to take account of any new or changed risks and be provided in a manner appropriate to risks identified in your fire risk assessment. 

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