
Explosives licensing and storage (including fireworks)

In most cases where an individual or business is acquiring, keeping, transferring, storing or manufacturing explosives, an explosives licence is required. Within Merseyside, we are responsible for the granting of an explosive licence for amounts under 2,000Kgs NEC.

A licence is a document that allows the holder to store and/or manufacture explosives. The holder of the licence is the person that makes sure that the conditions of that licence are being met.

Licensing, Inspection, and enforcement activity are carried out by Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service (MFRS) on behalf of Merseyside Combined Authority.

Definitions of explosives and fireworks

Explosives (including fireworks, pyrotechnics and small arms ammunition) are fully defined in the Explosives Regulations 2014 (also known as ER14).

Fireworks are explosive articles with UN numbers 0333 to 0337 and are defined under the Pyrotechnic Articles (Safety) Regulations 2015 as 'pyrotechnic articles for entertainment purposes'.

Who needs a licence?

If you are planning to store more than 5kg NEC (Net Explosive Content) and less than 2000kg NEC of explosives then you will need to apply for a storage licence from Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service (MFRS).