Explosives Licencing

Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service (MFRS) is the Licensing Authority in Merseyside, for the Explosives Regulations 2014 and the Firework Regulations 2004, this function is carried out on behalf of Merseyside Fire Rescue Authority (MFRA).

In most cases where an individual or business is acquiring, keeping transferring, storing and/or manufacturing explosives, an explosives licence will be required.

If you are planning on storing no more than 2,000kgs NEC (Net Explosive Content), this is the weight of the powder inside the explosives) then you will need to apply for a storage licence from MFRS.

If you wish to store more than 2000kg of explosives, you should apply to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) for a licence.

It is your responsibility to ensure you are aware of, and comply with, the Explosives Regulations 2014. As the licensing authority we have the power to prohibit storage of explosives at the site if we believe the site is no longer suitable or the licensee becomes no longer a fit person to store explosives. We may also take enforcement action if you are not storing safely.

It is an offence to store or sell explosives (fireworks) without a valid licence, and you must not do so until you receive your licence.