Explosives Licences

An explosives licence is a document that allows the holder to store and/or manufacture explosives. You can apply for a licence with us if it's for a premises in Merseyside.

What is an explosives licence?

An explosives licence is a document that allows the holder to store and/or manufacture explosives. The holder of an explosives licence is the person that makes sure its conditions are being met.

The easiest way to apply for an explosive licence is to complete online application form on the ‘how to apply’ tab. If you’re applying for the first time for your premises, part of the process includes a site inspection by one of our officers. Our guidance notes answer some of the most frequently asked questions, so please read them thoroughly before you start to apply to ensure you choose the correct licence and give us the details we need.

You should only use our application form if you want to store less than 2000kg of explosives, and it should not be used to store the explosives listed in Note 1 of the guidance notes.

Further information is available from the Health and Safety Executive website.

For queries, e-mail ExplosiveLicences@merseyfire.gov.uk

How to apply

You can apply for your explosives licence on our website. To do this, click the ‘Apply for an explosives licence’ button below and complete the online form.

Online payment with a credit or debit card is required when you complete the form. 

All fees paid to us for licences  are non-refundable, so please ensure you choose the correct licence and enter your details carefully.

Licence types and guidance

It is your responsibility to ensure you are aware of, and comply with, the Explosives Regulations 2014. The licensing authority (Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service, for Merseyside fire and rescue authority) has the power to prohibit storage of explosives at the site if it believes the site is no longer suitable. It may also take enforcement action if you are not storing safely.

If you are intending to supply fireworks outside the normal permitted periods e.g. (26-31 December), Chinese New Year and three days before, October 15th-November 10th and Diwali and three days before, you will also need to make a separate application to us for a licence to comply with the Fireworks Regulations 2004.

General information on completing the application

Our online applications should not be used for an application for a licence to store the explosives listed below: 

  • relevant explosives 
  • ammunition the acquisition of which is regulated or prohibited by virtue of the Firearms Act 1968 and its amendments 
  • smokeless powder or percussion caps 
  • explosives stored by a person who is registered as a firearms dealer under section 33 of the Firearms Act 1968 

You should only apply for a licence if you want to store up to 2000kg of explosives. If you want to store more than 2000kg of explosives you should apply to the Health and Safety Executive for a licence. Further information on licensing can be found at the HSE website

Our online forms are set up to take all the required information we believe we need, however, if there is further information you can or wish to provide to aid your application, you can submit additional documents with your application form. 

Please contact us if you have any questions about completing our online application.  

Please note: Any previous convictions you may have may be subject to the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 and you do not have to include convictions that are ‘spent’ on this application form. Where the application relates to a corporate body or company, convictions of all directors should be listed. Where the application relates in Scotland to a partnership, convictions of all partners should be listed. Information on how Licensing Authorities will consider the relevance of previous convictions to an application for a licence can be found here.

Separation distances – please see Regulation 27 and Schedule 5 of the Explosives Regulations 2014. You will not normally be required to maintain separation distances if you store no more than: 

  • 250kg HT4 
  • 25kg HT3 (or combination of HT3 and HT4)
The following documents must be submitted with your application: 

 A plan to a scale sufficient to show the location of the site in relation to its surroundings (i.e. named or numbered roads, hamlets, villages or geographical features). Where the site does not have a postal address this should normally be a minimum scale of 1:25000. 

If the store is subject to separation distances you will also need to provide an Ordnance Survey Site plan (or similar) map showing the location of the store and distances to any neighbouring buildings. The scale will depend on the separation distance. For a distance of up to 200 metres, a 1:1250 would normally be required while greater distance would require a 1:2500 or even a Super Plan. Where this plan clearly identifies the location of the site in relation to its surroundings it can be substituted for the plan referred to  above.

If you intend to store or display more than 12.5kg of fireworks on a shop floor, we will require you submit a floor plan of the sales area.

If you intend to store within a building that is also used for other purposes you should include a floor plan showing the storage areas within the building. 

Hazard type and quantity

If you intend to store or display more than 12.5kg of fireworks on a shop floor, we will require you submit a floor plan of the sales area.

If you intend to store within a building that is also used for other purposes you should include a floor plan showing the storage areas within the building. 

Period of validity

Licences for fireworks and other explosives may be granted for up to 5 years, as we determine. Applicants applying for their first licence will be granted a maximum of 1 year. Longer licences may be granted for longer periods for applicants who have held licences previously. 

Type of application Duration Fee

NEW Explosives Licence, where no separation distances apply, therefore;​

  • HT4 (0-250kgs)​
  • HT3 (0-25kgs)​
  • HT3 & HT4 (0-25kgs)​

1 Year

2 Years

3 Years

4 Years

5 Years






RENEWAL Explosives Licence, where no separation distances apply, therefore;​

  • HT4 (0-250kgs)​
  • HT3 (0-25kgs)​
  • HT3 & HT4 (0-25kgs)​

1 Year

2 Years

3 Years

4 Years

5 Years






NEW Explosives Licence, where separation distances apply, therefore;​

  • HT4 (251-2000)​
  • HT3 (over 25kgs)​
  • HT3 & HT4 (Over 25kg)​

1 Year

2 Years

3 Years

4 Years

5 Years






RENEWAL Explosives Licence, where separation distances apply, therefore;​

  • HT4 (251-2000)​
  • HT3 (over 25kgs)​
  • HT3 & HT4 (Over 25kgs)​

1 Year

2 Years

3 Years

4 Years

5 Years






The sale of fireworks outside of the designated selling periods requires a supply licence which costs £500 - a separate application is required please contact 0151 296 4000

Licence Types

There are three main license applications which can be applied for. 

  • NEW standard storage license , up to 2000kg. 
  • RENEWAL standard storage license, up to 2000kg (this applies if you have an existing licence which has not yet expired and your circumstances and premises have not changed). 
  • SUPPLY licence, when you wish to sell outside the allowed sales period. 

For applications requiring more than 2000kg of storage, this is done through the Health and Safety Executive. More details on licence types and how to apply with them if you need to can be found on the Health and Safety Executive website.

Apply for an explosives licence

To apply for a licence, please complete our form. You should follow the 'Guidance for Applicants' section above to aid you in your application.

Payment will be taken on completion of your application, so please ensure you have a credit or debit card available to make your payment.

If you have any questions about your application or our application form, please contact our team via Phone on 0151 296 4000