Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations

Q. What are the re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations?

A. The Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Environmental Information Regulations allow people to access information held by Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority. However, the two legislations do not allow the information to be re-used. The Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations was introduced on the 1st July 2005, it was introduced to encourage the re-use of information created by public authorities.

Q. What is meant by "re-use"?

A. The term "re-use" is in regard to the use of the document other than the purpose it was created for. Information supplied under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and Environmental Information Regulations may be copyright and those who access the information through those legislations may not be able to use the information other than the purposes it was created for.

Q. What are Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority's obligations under these Regulations?

A. Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority have to deal with requests for re-use of information in accordance to the Regulations:

  • Provide advice and assistance to those making a request or wishing to make a request.
  • When we receive a request, we have 20 working days to deal with the request. However, if the request is a complex one, this can be extended.

Q. What Information is available for re-use?

A. Any information that Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority produce that is available under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Environmental Information Regulations. Our publication scheme provides a list of information that is available to the public. If the information you wish to access is not listed on our publication scheme, you can submit a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act.

Q. How do I make a request?

A. If you would like to submit a request to re-use information supplied by Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority, your request should be submitted in writing with your name and address, what information your wish to re-use and the for what purpose.

Written requests should be submitted to:
Information Management Officer
Strategy and Performance
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Authority
Fire Service Headquarters
Bridle Road
L30 4YD

Or if you wish to make any queries please contact Strategy and Performance on 0151 296 4425 or email: