Phil Garrigan is the Chief Fire Officer of Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service.
Phil joined Merseyside in 1990 and during that time has served at a variety of Community Fire Stations - working in some of Merseyside’s most vulnerable and deprived communities. He brings a strong community focus to the Service, recognising the unique position of trust and respect in which the FRS is held, he has used this and the professionalism of Merseyside FRS staff to tackle the real underlying factors which affect risk.
Phil is the Vice Chair of the NFCC and the National Lead for the Fire and Rescue Service with regard to Children and Young People. He is also a member of the Operations Coordination Committee given Merseyside FRS oversee National Resilience capabilities on behalf of the Home Office. He is a National Strategic Advisor overseeing a number of National events recently, including the UK’s response to COVID-19. The breadth of his work gives him an almost unique understanding of the sector.
As Chief Fire Officer he led the Service to its lowest number of fire deaths, and he has instilled a performance management methodology which drives continuous improvement.
His leadership has brought the work the sector does with regards to children and young people to the forefront of sector delivery; allowing the FRS to transform the lives of hundreds of children and young people (CYP) across the UK. He is a Trustee and member of the Board at both the Hive Youth Zone and Firefit Hub as well as being an Ambassador for the Cash for Kids Charity.
Since taking on the role of Chief Fire Officer he has revised the governance of the Service and introduced a People Plan which reflects his own inclusive management style, involving all sections of the Service in the decision making process.
Phil is married with two lovely children – well they are lovely most of the time!