Director of Strategy and Performance Deb Appleton

Deb is the Director of Strategy and Performance at Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service.

She joined MFRS in 1991 from local government as a Senior Management Services Officer, moving into policy and strategy work and becoming a Director and first female member of the then Corporate Leadership Team in 2004.

Deb has led in a number of areas as a Director, including Equality and Diversity, Corporate Communications, ICT, Information Management and Democratic Services.

Her responsibility for coordinating corporate planning, performance and inspection in particular has been a constant feature of her work for many years, helpingĀ the Service deliver positive outcomes for the communities of Merseyside and assisting MFRS achieve outstanding results in audits and inspections since 2004.

Deb has also worked nationally to support change through work with the National Fire Chief's Council and Central Government and collaborates with colleagues regionally to help deliver continuous improvement for MFRS.